Transforming Design Firms with

Smart Lead Qualification & Outreach ✨

Say Hello to Smarter Client Engagement 🤖

Have you seen what Tetherlo can do? With ChatGPT on our side, we're attracting top-notch leads and getting them ready for you – no extra work needed. It's like catching a glimpse into the future of how we'll all communicate in business. Check it out!

Transforming Design Firms with Smart Lead Qualification & Outreach ✨

Say Hello to Smarter Client Engagement 🤖

Have you seen what Tetherlo can do? With ChatGPT on our side, we're attracting top-notch leads and getting them ready for you – no extra work needed. It's like catching a glimpse into the future of how we'll all communicate in business. Check it out!

How We Turned the Chaos of Lead Handling Into Genuine Connections: Our Journey to Tetherlo

Hey There, Fellow Trailblazer,

You know the drill. You launch a campaign, and boom, leads come flooding in. But then, the chaos begins. Who's serious? Who's just browsing? Who's the right fit? Suddenly, what looked like opportunity turns into a never-ending hunt. Sound familiar?

Here's Where Our Story Begins...

We were there, too. Watching our clients sift through leads, struggling to find that perfect connection, was like watching someone search for a needle in a haystack. It was frustrating, tiring, and oh-so relatable. We knew their pain because it was our pain.

We Had an Idea, a Big One!

What if we could turn this around? What if we could make technology feel personal, even human? We wanted to create something that didn't just generate leads but connected hearts and minds. Something that understood you, your business, your passion.

Meet Tetherlo: Our Brainchild

It took sweat, sleepless nights, a few too many cups of coffee, but we built it. Tetherlo, our way of saying, "We get you, and we've got you covered." It's not just about leads; it's about connections, real ones.

  • Automated Outreach? Check!

  • Smart Lead Qualification? You bet!

  • Never Miss a Follow-Up? Consider it done!

  • Real Appointments? Absolutely!

  • No Upfront Costs? That's right!

We wanted to make your life simpler, your business stronger, and your smile broader.

Here's the Coolest Part: It's Exclusively Yours

Tetherlo isn't for everyone; it's tailored for you, the architects, the home designers, the creators, the dreamers. We're in this together, you and us, turning visions into reality.

Come Join Us, Be Part of Our Story

We're not just offering a tool; we're offering a friendship, a partnership, a shared journey. Tetherlo is our way of saying, "We believe in you, and we're here for you."

So, are you ready to change the game? To ditch the grind and embrace the growth? Let's do this!


Rehdhil Siyad

Founder, Tetherlo

07893 949292

Tetherlo's AI-powered lead qualification for architects

© Copyright - Tetherlo - 2023

07893 949292

© Copyright - Tetherlo - 2023